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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-01-01  |  9MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: book | lamp | monitor | packaging | poster | sky | table
OCR: ESRI Data Maps Environmental The 1999 Data &Maps CD ROM contain many types s of map data at Systems scales geography The data is provided in a shapefile format Researct Institute and can be directly read from the CD ROM The Windows Helr file (.hlp) on the CD ROM also contains further information about data including appropriate scalee for display and redistribution rights Please chec this information before redistributing any of this data All the shapefiles also have an associated ArcView "GIS legend file (.avl) and projection files (.prj) or use with ArcView GIS 3 The data is organized on five CD -ROMs CD contains data for the California world, Mexico Canada, Europe and the United States Detailed data for 9237 8100 the entire Uinited States is continued on CD #2 The very detailed data US ...